the _alf blog

Monday, September 04, 2006

Interview with a Scientologist: Okay, and Criminon?

Interviewer: Okay, and Criminon?

Scientologist: Criminon, meaning “no crime,” is a volunteer criminal rehabilitation program which utilizes technologies developed by L. Ron Hubbard to help convicts recover pride and self-esteem.

Headquartered in Los Angeles, Criminon grew out of the Narconon prison programs. By the 1980s, with increased drug usage in all sectors of society, the Narconon program shifted its emphasis to community-based activities. At that point, Criminon expanded into correctional facilities.

Criminon provides inmates with the knowledge and skills to change their lives and become productive members of society.

Interviewer: How big is this program? How many people are on it?

Scientologist: Criminon operates in over 750 prisons, assisting some 4,000 inmates weekly, with remarkable results.

A southern California municipal judge alone has sentenced more than five hundred misdemeanor offenders to Criminon instead of jail. In his words, “The efficacy of Criminon has surpassed even our most optimistic expectations.”

Among those who have completed the Criminon program, compliance to conditions of probation—including restitution, fine payment and community service—approximates 90 percent. Recidivism dropped to 1 percent, remarkable when compared to the 80 percent recidivism rate which plagues the general prison population.


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